Global Christmas Feeding Program
The Victory Global Christmas Feeding Program
Global Christmas Feeding Program
Every year, Victory Churches Canada raises funds to feed the poor and those in need in many nations around the world. This event is highly anticipated and an incredible blessing to children and their families. Widows who are unable to work due to age, disabilities and more are blessed with donations of food, clothing, or basic needs. Street children from the slums of India come up in droves to receive a hot meal. Orphaned children in many nations of Africa look forward to this event every year! Most importantly, we hear story after story of those who give their life to Christ and come into relationship with him.
Isaiah 58:10 (New Living Translation) gives us a command to: “Feed the hungry and help those in need…”

According to the most recent statistics, as many as 1 in 5 people go hungry everyday and we are committed to fulfilling that God given command from Isaiah. Last year, with the help of partners like you, we were able to raise over $23,000 to fight hunger and bring a salvation message to thousands of street kids, widows and orphans. We fed approximately 12,000 people through your generous donations!
$2 Donation = 1 Meal for someone in need.
Join us in the fight against hunger so that “…your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.” (Isaiah 58:10 NLT).
Alone, this is Mission IMPOSSIBLE, but together, this becomes Mission POSSIBLE!
Let’s make a difference this Christmas.
Let’s do it GOOD! Let’s do it BIG! and Let’s do it TOGETHER!
Donation Deadline: December 1st, 2024
To Donate please contact us:
Victory Churches Canada
10623 West Valley Rd SW
Calgary, AB
T3B 5T2
Phone: +1 403-286-8337