New Levels of Faith Maturity and Opportunity
New Levels of Faith Maturity and Opportunity
New Levels of Faith Maturity and Opportunity
The Church is not perfect, but whatever is wrong with it is of man not Christ. His power is still Absolute, Unchanging and Available. The Church can be criticized but not contained. Frustrated but not stopped; Hindered but not quenched. If God is behind even the smallest thing, it becomes mighty and it will succeed. God wants to take us to new levels of faith, maturity and blessing.
Matthew 14:22-33 Peter walks on water
- God Initiates Growth and Advancement. He initiates it to stretch us.
He wants us to do things we have never done before. When I get on a plateau I know God is going to do something to stretch my life. He took Peter out of his comfort zone. He took him beyond what was normal.
- God doesn’t stretch us in times of ease, comfort and pleasure.
He does it in turbulent times, when we are under pressure: “You have enlarged me when I was under pressure.” (Psalm 4:1 RSV ). An English proverb states, “Smooth seas never made a skilled mariner.”
- When God wants us to do a new thing, Jesus may be the only model to follow.
Peter’s friends would only go as far as the edge of the boat. Peter was the only one to take the initiative to ask and then obey.
Many will watch to see if you sink or swim. When you take a risk and step out in faith you may miss it somewhere. Don’t let the fear of falling stop you from experiencing the thrill of soaring. Jesus was there for Peter and He will be there for you too. Learn from your failures, find out where you went wrong and get up and go on just like Peter did.
- When God does a new thing, He often gives us a new revelation of Himself.
Through scripture we see a progressive revelation of God to His people as: healer, deliverer, provider, our peace and righteousness etc. During a time of battle God revealed Himself to David as, “The God of the Breakthrough.” (1 Chron 14:8-11)
- “Contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).
Peter always stood on the brink of his faith. We never hear of anyone else walking on water, its not an every day occurrence. There is the opportunity of a life time and the life time of an opportunity. Opportunity is a favorable combination of circumstances that create a chance for advancement or progress. Your time and opportunity will come, get ready, don’t miss it! ( Eccl 9:11) Peter wasn’t much when he started out, but by the time he finished even his shadow healed the sick. Peter gives us all great hope for future!
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go! - T.S. ELIOT
Dr. George Hill
President & Founder
Victory Churches International