from the desk of Dr. George Hill

God Ideas and Witty Inventions

God Ideas and Witty Inventions

The message of the Gospel never changes, but the methods and strategies with which we deliver it do. We cannot continue to advance using only yesterday’s technologies.

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth…” -
Isaiah 43:18-19

Never Underestimate The Value Of Good Ideas

Successful businesses place high value on innovation. One good idea (or God idea) for a new outreach-oriented sermon series, a new strategy for making disciples, training leaders, running effective small group ministries, or raising funds - can be the key to your breakthrough. God has all kinds of great income-producing ideas, church growth ideas, church planting ideas, leadership development and world mission’s ideas, and He wants to share them with us.

"I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions"
Prov 8:12 KJV

Three Things That Foster Creative Ideas And Witty Inventions

  1. Ask God Questions About The Specific Problems Or Opportunities You Face. This will help prepare your heart for an answer and help you to recognize it as an answer when it comes. Good ideas come from God, so ask Him for one. The world has been marvelously blessed by those who did. “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” (Jer 33:3)
  2. Expand Your Thinking Power. God gave us a brain, so let’s use it. Let’s expand it so we can recognize and take hold of the God ideas available to us. Take time to think about ways of doing things better. Ask yourself, “How can I do it better.” To become a good thinker - do more thinking! Great thinking comes from good, focused thinking; and once the ideas start flowing, they get better. Once they get better, creative and innovative ideas flood your mind. Make your mind work!
  3. Create an atmosphere where people are not afraid to share their ideas. Most of the best ideas come together in a team environment. It’s called Creative Collaboration! Creative people encourage and provoke others to think outside of the box. (Prov 27:17) As a leader I’m glad I don’t have to come up with all the ideas. I just need to be able to recognize a good idea when I hear it.

One night a friend of John Kilcullen described something he overheard in a bookstore. A customer asked the clerk, “Do you have any simple books on Microsoft DOS? Something like DOS for Dummies? It was only a passing comment meant to be a joke, but it stuck with Kilcullen and he did something with it. He launched the “For Dummies” series of books. Some unknown customer had a good idea and didn’t even know it. But in the hands of a thinker, that good idea became a great idea. Then it became a bigger and better idea.

Lord, help us to know the next new thing that you have us, and give us the courage to do it!



Dr. George Hill
President & Founder
Victory Churches International