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Sunday, 18 October 2015 15:42

October 2015 - Victory World Missions Update - SWAP

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Purpose. It is something that many of us spend most of our lives looking for, but that God has designed for each and every one of us.

Young or old, married or single, no matter our level of education or experience, God's instruction is the same for all of us, "God into all the world, making disciples of all nations, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you."

Seniors With A Purpose, an initiative to see the older generation remain active in life and in the missions field, takes that instruction, and opens doors for the older generations. Giving opportunities to serve, to teach and instruct, and to use the skills learned throughout their lifetime in a way that glorifies God and brings growth and stability to His Kingdom.

Mel & Kae Campbell are examples of the vast opportunities available through VCI Missions.

For the past several years they have been serving in nations around the world, including Mexico, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, and others. Everywhere they go, they have the opportunity to share the Love of Christ with those they meet, to teach from their experience, and to fulfill the desire that God placed in their hearts. Though they experience different cultures and cultures everywhere they go, one thing remains the same, and that is the God that they serve.

Mel & Kae prove to all of us that it is never too late to take the next step in the great commission, that it is never too late to serve in a greater capacity, and that it is never too late to take chances pursuing the call of God.

Through their example working with VCI Missions, we can see clearly that God will use those who are willing to go, no matter what age they are, and that a willing heart is what God can use.

No matter your position in life, you are valuable on the mission field, and to God. Do you have a desire to serve in a different capacity than you are now? Then we want to hear from you. We will work with you to find an opportunity that fits your life and your desire.

It is never too late to start! Contact us today!

VCI Head Office:

Box 65077 North Hill PO
Calgary, Alberta
T3B 5T2
(403) 286-8337
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