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Thursday, 28 January 2016 15:57

February 2016 - Victory World Missions

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GCFP 2015 BawanaNewDelhi 03 The Global Christmas Feeding Program is a vital outreach event that VCI Missions does every year. This programs aim is to reach the poor and destitute children of the world with the love of Christ by providing them with a feast and an unforgettable Christmas celebration. This is an event that children everywhere look forward to with great anticipation every year.

Each year we are able to reach thousands of children. This year we reached over 8,000 children in about 20 nations around the world. What a joy it is to be able to be a blessing so many people.

GCFP 2015 BawanaNewDelhi 03Christmas celebrations in every culture are different and unique, with dancing and feasting, gifts and games, but the one thing that brings us all together, no matter where we are, is Jesus. Your donations are the only thing that make this event possible. THANK YOU for making the year another success! We can’t do this without you.

Here are a few highlights from this years program:

Pastor Magda and our team in Poland went to a local community centre and held a Christmas celebration for the poor and struggling families in the area.

GCFP 2015 BawanaNewDelhi 03They baked cookies with the kids, shared the gospel and the hope of salvation with the families and ended with a Christmas feast!

In Myanmar, local celebrities volunteered to do a concert! This made for an unforgettable Christmas for 700 street children that came! Then they all enjoyed a great Christmas Feast with songs, games and a Christmas message.

In Rwanda Our children from the Victory Family Home of Champions decided to go out into their community with bags of rice and oil to bless the poor and destitute families in their own community. How incredible to see our orphaned children now going out and blessing the needy around them.

GCFP 2015 BawanaNewDelhi 03Thank you for your support of this program, Thank you for helping to touch the lives of thousands in need and thank you for helping to reach the ends of the earth with the Gospel of Christ!

From every tribe, nation and tongue, THANK YOU!!

Contact us at 403-286-8337 or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and we can help you make 2016 a successful year of missions ministry!

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