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Monday, 30 November 2015 16:41

January 2016 - Victory World Missions

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There is always a project to put your hand to with VCI Missions. From construction to gardening, painting to sewing, there is always some project that needs your help! Make 2016 your year for a missions trip!

Some of the construction projects for 2016 include:

  • Expanding the Baja Missions base in Ensenada, Mexico.
  • Finishing the VCI Kenya headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Construction of the VCI headquarters and Bible College in Myanmar.
  • Completion of the new school building and missionary apartments at the Victory Children’s Home in Kisumu, Kenya.

All of our nations are happy to welcome a missions team and are always able to work with you and your team to organize an exceptional missions experience. From bible colleges to crusades, conferences to children’s ministries, whatever your strengths, giftings, or interests, we can help you to find a place and opportunity to serve in the mission field. Contact us for a list of nations that you could visit this year! Every missions trip is full of adventure. From experiencing cultural worship, to sampling cultural cuisine, the adventure of life in the mission field is exciting and new everyday. You’ll come home with a newappreciation and understanding of the VCI family around the world.

Contact us at 403-286-8337 or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and we can help you make 2016 a successful year of missions ministry!

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