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Thursday, 29 March 2018 22:44

April 2018 - Inner City Missions

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When most people think of missions they imagine hoping on a plan and traveling to some far away country. But missions can and should start right here in our very own communities.

The mandate of VCI Missions is to give a hand up and out of poverty, not just a hand out. That doesn’t just apply to a 3rd world nation. It also applies to right here at home, right outside our own doors. Sometimes it can be easier to pour our hearts, our time and our money into an overseas missions project or program, but we can’t neglect those within our own reach. Sometimes they are the most unreached community of all.

Victory is committed to reaching EVERY available person by ANY available means.

Pastor Deon Malloy of Centre of Hope International Church in Toronto, ON took part in a pretty incredible experience this past winter and spent a night on the streets of Toronto to better understand what the homeless in Canada face on a daily basis.
For the complete story of his experience watch the full video here.

Streets Alive Mission in Lethbridge, AB has been reaching the down and out in Southern Alberta for 28 years this May and have been doing an absolutely incredible job!
They offer a variety of programs that bring dignity and stability into the lives of people in need. For more information on their programs you can visit their website at

Why Not Youth Centres in Brampton, ON has seen incredible success in reaching the youth and young adults in their community. The key to success at Why Not Youth Centres has been relationship. It is at the heart of everything they do. They are not a shelter, they don’t have beds, but they function as the living room in the youths lives. With encouragement and support, this ministry is impacting their community, seeing continual transformation in those that they work with, saving lives and connecting people to the programs that they need to help build a stable life.
Please watch the full video here to learn more about this amazing ministry.

As Dr. Hazel says, we need to have a heart big enough to encompass the world, and that includes those closest to us. We need an awareness of the need right outside our own door and Holy Spirit inspiration to reach people and see God transform their lives. For more information on any of the ministries mentioned or any of our other inner city missions, please visit contact our office at 403-286-8337 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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